Visit with Grandpa Bill

My dad came for a visit last weekend, and Graeme was immediately smitten with him. We don't see my dad that often so I wasn't sure how Graeme would respond. I showed him pictures in advance and we talked about Grandpa Bill, and as soon as my dad walked in the door Graeme was excited. He proceeded to drag him around the house and neighborhood all weekend, demanding "Bill, sit", "Bill, read", "Bill, show". The latter means he wants you to turn on a TV show for him (sigh). It was a good visit. Dad and I saw Bodies: The Exhibition, a well-done exhibit of preserved human bodies. I had my own private biology lesson, as dad formerly taught high school biology (and yes, he was my biology teacher). Somehow viewing the human anatomy with my father was much less embarrassing at age 38 than it was at 16.
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