Another Day in a Life with a Toddler

I woke up today feeling groggy because Ian was pretty squirmy most of the night. (We've moved out of our apartment and he and I are in bed with Steve - not sure how Steve feels about this.) I managed to squeeze in time to make a pot of coffee only to discover 10 minutes later that I hadn't properly put the pot on the base and there were coffee grounds EVERYWHERE. I cleaned up and somehow Graeme ended up in his room reading quietly, which NEVER happens. I decided to let him be and engrossed myself in a crossword puzzle, something I haven't done in eons. I checked on him a few times, but then obviously let a few too many minutes go between checkings. As I went upstairs after completing all of the upper left corner of the puzzle I smelled powder. Uh-oh. By the time I'd hit the 6th step I saw a dusting of powder on the stairs. By the time I got to the landing it was like a blanket of snow. Powder EVERYWHERE. And there was Graeme sitting in the glider rubbing Vaseline all over the cushions, just dipping all of his fingers into the container and globbing as much as he could wherever it would stick. His room was covered in the laundry basket, in his dresser drawers, all over his books. I later discovered that he had dusted our room and found it all over our clothes, on the dressers, everywhere. I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, yell, whimper, or cleanup. I decided to do none of the above. I snapped a picture, changed Graeme's clothes and headed to the park...forgetting about the whole thing.
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