Unanchored Thoughts

Bits and pieces of musings about family, friends, social issues, and whatever else travels through my head without a purpose.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Just What the Doctor Ordered

Last night I went out with my RESOLVE friends. We hadn't really been together since the annual conference in April so it was nice to reconnect. I had been moaning about going....I'm so NEEDED on the homefront, the drive to Bethesda is irritating, Rock Bottom Brewery is boring. But, I had a commitment and went. How wrong I was on all my excuses. My family NEEDED me to get OUT of the house. The drive to Bethesda was long and quiet and peaceful and gave me time to think and reflect. The booth at RBB was comfy, the service good, and we sat for hours without any hint of over-staying our welcome. And, these are people who know how hard it is to face infertility and how hard it is to parent a toddler and how hard it is to struggle with the parenting when it was the one thing I longed for for years. So, while we each walk through this world in different shoes it was comforting and fun and silly to connect with people who have tread the same ground as me on the journey to and through parenting.


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